Dedicated to Professor Des Fernandes & Val Carstens
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Dedicated to Professor Des Fernandes & Val Carstens

This book is dedicated to Prof Des Fernandes and his sister Val Carstens, who brought the Environ products to the world. Prof. Des Fernandes created Environ for skin therapists, like myself, because he knew a long time ago we are truly his ‘knights in white jackets.’ Prof. Des, therefore, gifted us with his intensive research on how to rehabilitate skin back to a normal and beautiful state by nurturing each and every skin cell. This is the only real route to achieving lasting changes in skin
and to preventing damage. This is a true elevation for our mission as skin care practitioners. Any and everyone working with skin needs to know that there are, “Certain physiological features about skin we have to adhere to for us to make healthy skin.” Prof. Des

With this information, I was finally able to make reliable and good choices for my clients based on Prof. Des’s solid science into skin and what it requires to be healthy-looking. I was looking for facts, rather than industry trends. This knowledge was all I needed, but it took me fifteen-years to find it! It is now time for the world to hear my revelations about Prof. Des’s revolutionary research on skin health.